ASFEE2018 : 9th International conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics - ASFEE
14-15 Jun 2018 Nice (France)
Call for Papers
The 9th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), will be organized by the Research group in law, economics, and management (GREDEG, CNRS UMR 7123) and the Institute for Economics and Management Studies (ISEM) of University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, member of Université Côte d'Azur, on June 14-15, 2018.
The conference will provide an opportunity for researchers to present results of laboratory and field experiments. It will cover all topics regarding behavioural and experimental economics, such as decision theory, game theory, institutions and markets, neuroeconomics, economic psychology, among others. Methodological and theoretical papers dealing with experimental and behavioural issues are also welcome. Preliminary works with an in process experimental design are welcome to submit to the poster session.
The 2017 Conference held in CREM, University of Rennes 1 attracted about 85 scholars from many countries.
The Conference will take place at ISEM, located in the Campus St Jean d’Angely of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, close to Nice city centre. The campus is directly accessible by tram from the train station, and by bus (98) and tram from Nice airport.
Lunches will be provided at ISEM, and the conference dinner is scheduled for Thursday evening at Castel Beach.
Conference website
You are invited to submit an extended abstract for "oral" or "poster" presentations no later than March 30th, 2018, on the website:
Important dates
Keynote speakers
The keynote lectures will be given by:
A list of hotels at walking distance from the Faculty or easily accessible by tram is provided on the conference website.
ASFEE Prizes
Two special Prizes will be awarded in Nice:
The ASFEE 2017 Prize, for the best paper presented by a young economist at the previous ASFEE Conference, held in Rennes un June 2017
Details regarding the two prizes are given on the conference website. Papers presented in Nice by young scholars (under the age of 34 by December 31, 2018) will be eligible for the ASFEE 2018 Prize, which will be awarded during the 2019 ASFEE Conference.
For any question please contact the Local Organization Committee at this address: